What We’re Reading: April 8 Edition
We’re introducing a new feature at Raines Intel-– our Friday roundup of what we’re reading about consulting, leadership and hiring. Read our April 8 edition below:
1. At Harvard Business Review, Michael Watkins emphasized the importance of what he calls “inboarding” — or internal recruiting. “Far too often, leaders making internal moves are left to ‘sink or swim’ in their new roles,” Watkins explained. “This is true regardless of how ready they are or how big the leaps are they are making. This lack of support not only results in unnecessary failures (and their associated costs), it is a huge missed opportunity to accelerate transitions so leaders create more value more quickly.” Read “Internal Hires Need Just as Much Support as External Ones.”
2. CNN Money suggested ten out-of-the-box questions interviewers can ask candidates to gain an insight into personality, strategy and more: “10 Weirdest Job Interview Questions”
3. Scott Salmirs wrote for Fortune about how he is effective leading ABM Industries. His four tips? “Leverage your experts, Define a strategy and stick to it, Listen to your clients, Focus on the bottom line.” Read “How the CEO of this 100-year-old company makes really tough decisions.”
4. DocuSign Chairman and CEO Keith Krach offered eight “leadership lessons” in an interview with Inc.’s Heather R. Morgan, including hiring “the best” people, “always having a crystal clear direction,” and carefully partnering with other companies. “How this Ohio farm boy built a billion-dollar software empire.”
5. At Entrepreneur, Mabel Imala discusses the benefits of startup roles for women. “Startups provide women with a transparent and supportive environment,” Imala writes. “Entrepreneurship overall is a fantastic opportunity, and there are a growing number of resources for women to get started.” “How Startups Can Be Empowerment Tools for Women.”
Did we miss anything? E-mail support@rainesinternational.com or tweet @rainesintl.