What We’re Reading: June 10 Edition
This June 10 post is our eighth installment of our weekly roundup of the must read articles and advice on business, consulting, recruiting and jobs that we at Raines Intel are reading. Send articles you think we should feature to research@rainesinternational.com. Read our previous installment.
1. Compass’s recruiting manager Nolan Greenburg discussed how the real estate company expanded to 22 locations. Read “How to Recruit the Top 1% of Talent.”
2. At Culture Zine, Belle Beth Cooper reviewed the benefits of salary transparency, using Buffer, which released a spreadsheet of all salary employees. Cooper also noted negative effects including how to navigate staff’s feelings and working with employees who are on the lower end of the payscale to improve performance. Read “Pros and Cons of Salary Transparency.”
3. General Electric is changing its performance review practices, the Wall Street Journal’s Rachel Emma Silverman reported.
“Later this month, executives will decide whether to dispense with the practice of rating employees in five categories — from ‘role model’ to ‘unsatisfactory’ — as part of their annual review,” according to Silverman. “The company also is considering doing away with strictly scheduled annual raises, instead doling out pay raises and incentives at different times throughout the year, and giving managers other tools to reward and motivate employees, such as time off.”
Read “GE Re-Engineers Performance Reviews, Pay Practices”
4. Yazamo co-founder Jeremy Ellens highlighted keys to success for entrepreneurs in a recent article. Ellens’ Entrepreneur.com article focused on sales, namely: Find out how you are going to get leads for sales, figure out the best way to sell, how to follow-up with potential buyers, and track data to improve sales moving forward. Read “4 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Focus on That Crucial First Year.”