Robbie Rosenwasser

Business Development Manager

About Robbie

Robbie Rosenwasser is a Business Development Manager at Raines International. Based in Chicago, Robbie focuses on business development strategy, event planning, and strategic introductions. Her background is in marketing and knowledge management, which gives her the skills to support the Business Development team in mapping unchartered territories. It has also given her an appreciation for the impact that organizing research and data has on an organization’s development. Robbie is passionate about helping Raines enhance the client and candidate experience from a business development standpoint.

Industry & Consulting Experience

Prior to Raines, Robbie was a member of the business development team at Heidrick & Struggles. In that role, she focused on client proposals as well as data development and organization. Robbie started her search career focusing on the technology and services industries but has since expanded her focus to include all industries and functions. Her experience working with a global team and firm has provided her with insight into how to effectively engage with clients of various backgrounds.


BA, Brandeis University, Business and Sociology

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