CMO executive search

Marketing & Commercial Excellence Practice

Marketing leaders need to engage with every department in the organization to ensure the brand is set up for success. Our Marketing & Commercial Excellence team has first-hand knowledge of the Chief Marketing Officer role and can find the chief collaborator who will take you business to the next level.

About the Practice

Successful marketers are as varied as the brands they serve. There is no such thing as one size fits all. Our team concentrates on what organizations are looking for, who they are from a cultural perspective, and what success will look like for them. At the same time, we discover the unique difference each person has to offer and the special talents they can bring to your organization. Matching Difference Makers® with companies is what we do best! There are limitless paths that marketers can take to deliver on their mandate – in or out of home, on or offline, to individuals, groups, or groups of groups. All with a related ROI. While changes in how brands and their audiences connect has never evolved more rapidly, at the core, the tenets have stayed the same. What are you trying to do? Why? To whom will that matter most? What do they currently think? What do you need them to think? How will you measure success?

Contact Our Commercial Excellence Practice

Meet the Experts

Mann, Lisa View Profile

Lisa Mann

Hirsch-Wolf, Carlye View Profile

Carlye Hirsch-Wolf

Hartsig, Joe View Profile

Joe Hartsig

How The CMO Role Is Changing—in Some Cases For The Worse

Raines’ Managing Director and CMO, Lisa Mann, was invited by Ad Age to discuss the changing role of the Chief Marketing Officer on its “Ad Lib” podcast. Topics covered include how the CMO role is evolving, what companies look for in marketing executives today, and how candidates can demonstrate agility.

Lisa Mann Ad Age

The Raines Difference

We are an executive search and leadership consulting firm dedicated to making a difference for individuals, teams, and organizations. We are inspired and motivated by the people we work with – true Difference Makers® who unleash technology, deliver meaningful innovation, improve sustainability, and build a diverse workforce to impact local and global communities.